A Reminder of What Matters

If I’m being honest my motivation around the work we’ve been doing with Council of Fathers has been moderate.

I enjoy writing and producing podcasts, but our last cohort ended in April and there’s been less contact and connection with dads since.

We tried to start a group in September, but couldn’t get a group together. And things fell into place fairly last minute for the cohort that started this week.

But wow, what a change this new cohort's first gathering on Wednesday night made for me! If I ever forget how much I love this and how meaningful and important it is I’ll just come back to this blog post here.

It never ceases to amaze me how powerful these gatherings are. These dad’s hearts are beautiful and courageous.

And I know that for every dad that makes it into the circle, that overcomes logistics, and hesitations and fears, that risks awkwardness and discomfort, there are dozens of other dads out there who didn’t this time.

Those dads get an opportunity next time around.

And hopefully in the meantime, knowing there are men out there breaking through our manly conditioning to go at it alone and hold our cards close, creates possibilities for  you too.

It’s hard to convey what it’s like to sit in these circles. What happens when you’re honored to witness another man in their vulnerability. How it feels to hear yourself say out loud things that have been hiding in your heart. And how nice it is to laugh together to release the tension of intimacy. It’s a special kind of laughter.

So, yeah, we’re gonna keep on keeping on… more podcast are coming, more of these little messages, and whatever else we can conjure after working our day jobs and tending to our families…

And if things are feeling stale for you, if you're motivation is a bit low, I hope this sparks something, or at least gets you thinking about what you need to do to find that spark.

Thanks for staying along for the ride…

Noah and Dave


The Zephyr Sleeps Tonight… On Healing Intergenerational Patterns


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