Right of Passage Rituals

We started Council fo Fathers because becoming a father has been one of the most significant rites of passage we’ve experienced.  The challenges and rewards of parenting are like none-other. And yet, as a culture we provide very little space for fathers to feel connected and supported through it all.

Not only that, modern society has very little to offer in terms of meaningful ritual or ceremony to honor rites of passage in general, and especially for new fathers.


We’ve seen women organize and reclaim the “Blessingway” as a way of honoring the sacred transition from maidenhood to motherhood (instead of, or in addition to, the more typical “baby shower”).

We’re proud to say that we’ve explored what it looks like for us to do the same as Fathers. This is how I prepared for the arrival of my children.

If you’re looking to conduct a meaningful ritual or ceremony to mark your transition to fatherhood, lets connect and see how we can support you in that process.